Musical Tech Week Photo Gallery

The musical cast and crew came together the last week of rehearsal to prepare for show week.

PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo

The entire musical cast performs the opening song while the tech crew manages the live streaming.

  • Senior Mattie Mills opens the show with a welcome to both the in person and online audience and talks about the precautions being taken to maintain a safe and healthy show for everyone.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • The entire musical cast performs the opening song while the tech crew manages the live streaming.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • Shawnee Mission East Junior Toby Rodriguez embodies his character while staying on his specific platform which were assigned to everyone to stay socially distanced.

  • Freshman Suzanne Sade sings her part in the song while looking around at the rest of the cast.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • Junior Toby Rodriguez and Freshman Gioia Serra lock eyes during their part of the song when they can each come off their platforms to meet almost halfway for a few seconds.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • The musical cast each display different passionate emotions on their blocks during a song in which everyone sang.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • New AV Club head Maddie Helm manages the different camera angles and zooms for the live streaming of the show.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • Senior Kathryn Sade and Bartsow Freshman Dylan Markey look towards each other during a duet in the first act.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • Half of the musical cast sings passionately during the first act.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
  • During the end of the last song, cast members stand on their chairs and show their passion for performing through gestures on their platforms.

    PHOTO | Sofia Aguayo
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