Mother Daughter Luncheon Fashion Show Photo Gallery

Senior Ashley Ulowetz gets a tight hug from her mom Kim at the end of the show.

  • Senior Grace Townsend and her mom Kris Townsend share a hug at the end of the runway during the fashion show.

  • Senior Sophia McClure and her mom Gabby strut down the runway.

  • Senior Clara Stribling and her mom Carrie share an emotional moment at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Tess Tappen and her mom Laura hold hands as they make their way down the runway. her mom.

  • Senior Taylor Crouch and her mom Dawn make their way down the runway.

  • Senior Taylor Crouch and her mom Dawn Crouch do a handshake at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Sophia Totta and her mom Niki Totta pose at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Lauren Ellwanger and her mom Erika Ellwanger strut down the runway in their fall inspired outfits.

  • Senior Ella Rogge and her mom Amy make their way down the runway in outfits from Anthropologie.

  • Senior Cate Van Hoecke and her mom Nicole pose at the beginning of the runway.

  • Senior Cate Van Hoecke and her mom Nicole Van Hoecke share a hug at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Samantha Phillips and her mom Karen Phillips high five at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Elise Stringer and her mom Jill pose for the camera at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Sabrina Ross and her mom Jackie Ross strut down the runway during the fashion show.

  • Senior Sabrina Ross and her mom Jackie pose back to back at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Sabrina Ross is pulled into a twirl by her mom Jackie.

  • Senior Sophia Aguayo and her mom Elizabeth dance it out at the beginning of their walk.

  • Senior Ashley Ulowetz and her mom Kim share a hug at the end of the runway closing the show.

  • Senior Grace Townsend and her mom Kris smile for the camera during the end of show walk.

  • Senior Sophia McClure smiles for the camera while her mom Gabby McClure waves

  • Senior Sophia Totta and her mom Niki smile for the camera during the final walk of the show.

  • Senior Anna Sheedy and her mom Linda share an emotional hug at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Tess Tappan gives her mom a hug at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Elise Stringer and her mom Jill pose at the end of the runway show.

  • Senior Lauren Ellwanger gives her mom Erika a hug during the end of the show.

  • Senior Abby Thornhill and her mom Beth Thornhill pose for the camera during the final walk.

  • Senior Ella Rogge and her mom Amy pose at the end of the runway.

  • Senior Sabrina Ross and her mom Jackie Ross pose for the camera at the end of the fashion show.

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