First Quarter Flash
The first quarter of senior year has gone fast, but I am cherishing my last moments at Sion.
PHOTO | katemccarthy31
Seniors Maddie Haukap, Taylor Crouch, and Kate McCarthy pose for a signature photo at the gym entrance during the senior tailgate.
First Quarter Flash
To say that the first quarter has gone by in a flash is an understatement. Between field hockey trips, deep dive week, the chaos of life, and many activities coming back to the community this year, I feel as though I blinked and it’s suddenly October.
Let me just say, when they said that it goes by fast, they weren’t lying. We dove into school this year headfirst. Between the events, college, and the idea that this year was going to be the best year yet, this year holds a lot of pressure. I started this year with the senior tailgate. Getting to see all my friends again at Sion was amazing. It was an absolute blast and we have our senior signature song down, 22 by Taylor Swift. We got to dance around, have fun, and eat some delicious pancakes, but most of all this event was a taste of normal our class hasn’t gotten to see in a very long time.
As I am now wrapping up my first quarter as a senior (which doesn’t feel at all real) to be quite honest I feel sentimental. I’m so grateful for my time here at sion. I have been so lucky t

o have met the people I’ve met and been given the opportunities that I’ve been given, but I still feel as though the pandemic has cheated me from a typical highschool experience. I’m sure that every senior class feels as though time is slipping through their fingers entering senior year, but for our class especially it feels as though time skipped. I still sometimes think about the timid freshman who walked through the doors of the gym, nervous and overwhelmed by the faces around her. It’s hard to believe that I’ll leave these halls in less than a year, a completely changed person. Confident, smart, and secure in who I am, Sion has helped me grow in so many ways. Bigger than that though, Sion has truly become my second home.
I want to take the time that I do have to make memories that will last. This first quarter has been amazing. I am surrounded by people who I love and care about and that is what will make this year special. I’m going to continue to take the time I have and make it worth it. With that said, for all students it’s crucial that you take the time you’re given and utilize it to make memories. Go to those volleyball games, attend night of one acts, participate in the activities at sion. You only have four years here to make memories that last a lifetime.

So Sion, thank you for such a wonderful first quarter. I’m excited for what’s to come, but the only thing I ask is that you slow down – I’m trying to savor every moment.