Lemon Club Bake Sale
Lemon Club hosted a fundraiser on Thursday, Oct. 21 in the cafeteria. Club members sold baked goods and lemonade during all lunch periods and raised a total of $305 to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand, an organization that supports childhood cancer research.
Sophie Gromowsky, Copy Editor|Oct 22, 2021
PHOTO | Sophie Gromowsky
Junior Isabel Dumsky buys a brownie at the Lemon Club bake sale during her lunch period.
The Lemon Club fundraiser took place in the cafeteria on Thursday, Oct. 21 during all lunch periods and sold lemonade and baked goods made by club members.
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Sophomore Lilly Sutherlin pays for her desserts at the Lemon Club bake sale.
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Freshman Denali Sanchez-Bencomo dances away with her cupcake at the Lemon Club bake sale.
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Lemon Club member junior Gwyn Johnson sets out cups for lemonade at the bake sale.
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Freshman Terryn Ford picks up a mini cupcake at the Lemon Club fundraiser.
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Freshman Addi Bowes pours herself a lemonade at the Lemon Club fundraiser.
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Freshman Bridget Bendorf hands her coins to Lemon Club member freshman Vivian Kuntz at the bake sale.
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Lemon Club member junior Chloe Welch opens a pack of cookies for the bake sale.
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Lemon Club member junior Gwyn Johnson helps freshman Annie Johnson to pay with Venmo at the Bake Sale.
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Sophomore Lexi Huston pays for her treats at the bake sale.
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Lemon Club president junior Zahra Parsons and Lemon Club member junior Gwyn Johnson set up for the bake sale.
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Freshman Annie Njogu checks out the selection at the bake sale.
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Juniors Claire Coates and Emily Dierks check out the signs in front of the bake sale table.
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Junior Kaitlyn Miller points to the cookie she wants at the Lemon Club bake sale.
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Freshmen Francie Keithline and Madison Herald pick out treats at the Lemon Club bake sale.
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Principal for Academics Ellen Carmody pays with Venmo at the bake sale.
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Junior Makayla Hebert peers over the selection of treats available for purchase at the Lemon Club fundraiser.
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Lemon Club member freshman Bridget Bendorf pours a cup of lemonade at the fundraiser.
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Junior Isabel Dumsky buys a brownie at the Lemon Club bake sale during her lunch period.
PHOTO | Sophie Gromowsky