Women In Ministry Lunch Photogallery

Sion hosted women in ministry during for a lunch and learn on February 7.

PHOTO | Ella Alexander

Junior Maddie Shipley and high school director at Leawood Presbyterian Megan Dawson listen intently to middle school director Presley Wilson.

  • Mariann McCormally and junior Angela DeFlorio sit together at the Women in Ministry luncheon.

  • Junior Maya Hernandez talks with her table and Sister Rose McClarney, founder of Journey to New Life.

  • Junior Fiona Doolittle listens Pastor Adrienne Denson Ewell explain her journey to ministry.

  • Junior Sarah Lillis sits with Rabbi Monica Kleinman and the Director of Religious Education at St. Sabina Catholic school, Kirsti Roberts.

  • At their table juniors Izzy Deconink and Lucy Shively talk with Megan Dawson and Presley Wilson, youth directors at Leawood Presbyterian Church.

  • Rabbi Monica Kleinman and the Director of Religious Education at St. Sabina Catholic school, Kirsti Roberts sit together as the junior class enters the Gran Salle for lunch.

  • Lydia Ross, youth minister at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, smiles over at junior Claire Boma.

  • Megan Dawson, high school director at Leawood Presbyterian Church (LPC) smiles as lady’s name the middle school director at LPC shares her testimony.

  • Junior Maddie Shipley and high school director at Leawood Presbyterian Megan Dawson listen intently to middle school director Presley Wilson.

  • Leawood Presbyterian Church middle school director Presley Wilson talks with junior Izzy Deconink.

  • The pastoral associate at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Mariann McCormally eats lunch with junior Lexi Teel.

  • Listening intently senior Sofia Boulware leans in to listen to Dr. Sofia Khan.

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