Football Frenzy
Are football games fun?
Attending football games is overrated. There. I said it. But let me elaborate. There are many sizable differences between high school football games and college football games. And pro football games, but personally the only reason I have ever been in Arrowhead stadium was to attend the Taylor Swift Reputation tour concert. Don’t come at me.

First I would like to talk about my opinion of high school football games. For reference, I have attended two total throughout my high school career. One excuse I pull for this ridiculously low attendance is COVID-19 knocking out all possible games my junior year, considering no crowd was allowed during the entire season. The other reason I have only attended two high school football games is simply that I strongly dislike them. It’s not football, I can watch football(more on that later). It’s the atmosphere. It sends my social anxiety through the roof. Also don’t know many people from neighboring schools. Especially as a public school kid, I hardly knew anybody at the rival schools, so football games felt kinda lonely. Which explains why I have only gone to two games and called it good.
Next, let’s talk about college football. Personally, I love college football. But I also have grown up going to K-State football games, sitting in Westside Stadium aka club seats, and appreciating the benefits of these seats, such as free food, comfy chairs, and AC/heating whenever I ever felt slightly uncomfortable and more. All of this to say, I do actually watch the game. I appreciate the help from the commentators in order to fully comprehend what’s going on, and the big screen for instant replay allows for me to answer Snapchat without worrying about missing a major event, but still. I should also mention that the majority of the games I attend are with my parents and my sister, so I don’t have to worry about socializing or interacting with new people.
Finally pro football games. I cannot attest to this personally, but from what I heard, pro football games are a different breed. The rowdiest. The loudest. The most expensive. The list goes on. This is why I tend to appreciate pro football games from the comfort of my own home.

After some reflection, I think that this means that I like football, but only from the comfort of my own home or from club seats, both of which include free food, a climate controlled environment, good bathrooms, and less social anxiety. So I think I should finish off this controversial string of statements by clarifying that if social interaction doesn’t scare you, you don’t mind waiting in long lines for the bathroom or paying $15 for a hotdog, then high school football games and normal seats at college football games would be right up your alley.