As I look down to the paint on my canvas, a mess of color and definitely indistinguishable from the original idea of the park by my house, I can’t help but smile. This painting won’t be going anywhere, won’t be seen by anyone else. There’s no profit that can be made and no honor that can be given. And yet, as I put the paints away and return to my homework for the night, I feel a sense of relief and a sense of pride, not for creating a great piece of art, but just for creating.
There’s a small beauty in just being able to do something for no other reward than the satisfaction of having done it or created it solely from your own imagination or creativity. When the pandemic hit in 2020 and everyone was forced to confine themselves in their homes for months on end, the ability to explore hobbies for no other reason than exploration itself became the norm. The world slowed down, and with it, our ability to create was given opportunity. As we transitioned back into the fast-paced post-pandemic world, that freedom was slowly retracted and that time became a small and somewhat hazy blip.
Now is the time to let that part of our lives re-enter. The busyness of people’s schedules won’t change, but the mindset we live with can. There’s an importance that is often forgotten in spending time creating, whether that is through small and seemingly insignificant activities such as painting, baking or sketching. Setting aside even just a small portion of time every week to create for nothing but the solace it can give your mind is something that can have more benefits than it may seem. These moments of relaxation allow your mind and body to recharge and reflect, allowing you to re-enter your busy life rejuvenated.